Idle Huntress Wiki
Michelangelo Showcase (one)

Debut: Game Launch (February 2022)


  • Wisdom
  • Fire
  • Max Level: 200


  • Magic Bomb:
    • Lv.1 - Michelangelo summons a massive magical bomb to deal 48% of her ATK in Magical DMG to a single enemy and adjacent targets with a 60% chance to add 1 stack of Burn Mark. <Burn Mark> Each stack of Burn Mark makes the target lose 3% of their Max HP at the start of each turn. Stacks up to 10 times lasts until the end of the battle.
    • Lv.2 - Magical DMG Increases to 64% of ATK and chance to add Burn Mark increases to 80%.
    • Lv.3 - Magical DMG increases to 80% of ATK and chance to add a Burn Mark increases to 100%, and stacks of Burn mark added each time increases to 2.
  • Flaming Barrier:
    • Lv.1 - Michelangelo summons a fire elemental to attach a Flaming Barrier to all front-row targets for 2 turns. When targets with Flaming Barriers are attacked, 1 stack of Burn Mark is added to the attacker and the attacker takes 30% of the target's ATK in True DMG. <Burn Mark> Each stack of Burn Mark makes the target lose 3% of their Max HP at the start of each turn. Stacks up to 10 times lasts until the end of the battle.
    • Lv.2 - True DMG taken increases to 40% of the Flaming Barrier-carrying target's ATK.
    • Lv.3 - True DMG taken increases to 50% of the Flaming Barrier-carrying target's ATK.
  • Lamentation of Life:
    • Lv.1 - Each time Michelangelo takes an action, she has a 50% chance to add 1 stack of Burn Mark to each target. <Burn Mark> Each stack of Burn Mark makes the target lose 3% of their Max HP at the start of each turn. Stacks up to 10 times lasts until the end of the battle.
    • Lv.2 - Chance to add a Burn Mark increases to 75%.
    • Lv.3 - Chance to add a Burn Mark increases to 100%, and an additional Ultimate Skill at the start of the battle.
  • Dragon Chanter:
    • Lv.1 - Michelangelo can chant for the fallen so that they re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. Increases her HP by 15% and her DEF by 15%
    • Lv.2 - HP increases to 20% and DEF increases to 20%.
    • Lv.3 - HP increases to 25% and DEF increases to 25%.
Michelangelo Spot
  • Fire Control:
    • Lv.1 - DEF +15%
    • Lv.2 - HP +20%
    • Lv.3 - HP +25%
    • Lv.4 - 20% chance to use Magic Bomb once more after every normal attack.
    • Lv.5 - 35% chance to use Magic Bomb once more after every normal attack.
    • Lv.6 - 50% chance to use Magic Bomb once more after every normal attack.


  • Staff
  • Robes
  • Necklace
  • Boots (wisdom)


  • Demon Scepter - Fire Control skill - Michelangelo always has the staff with her. It is so named because its unusual appearance reminds people of the demon from the legend.


"The cycle of killing caused by hatred should not exist. My mission is to end it."


Michelangelo Slim
Age 25
Height 155cm
Blood Type O
Constellation Leo
Birthday Aug.3
B/W/H B78-W56-H79
  • Belonging - Muddler
  • Story
    • 1: What is a dragon? What is a human? What is a witch? When I was a little girl, my mentor would ask me these questions. Dragons attack humans and humans create witches, but what do the witches do? Kill the dragons? Thus the cycle is complete, and round and round it goes. I may not have initiated this cycle, but I can be the one who breaks the chain of causality. Although there are many who do not approve of my ideas, I will stick by them until the day the disaster ends and there is no more resentment. These last few years, I've traveled all over the Land of Tala; I stopped in the Far East Islands and listened to the surging heartbeat of the Leviathan beneath the sea; I have traveled through the Sky Gorge and experienced the pride of Hydelam's chiefs; I paid my respects at the Golden Hill and watched the Crown Dragon make its own pilgrimage; I sang in the northern ice fields while the Snow Dragon danced among the aurora... As far as my eyes could see, I saw villages with smoke curling up from their chimneys, a truly serene sight. All things grow among the power of the elements. All things are wounded in the tide of the elements. The requiem I sing thoroughly dispels the frantic elemental power residing within the bodies of dragons, especially from those inferior imitations.
    • 2: Just when I was chanting for a dragon, my mentor appeared behind me and called me by my original name. She asked me: "Do you think you've done anything meaningful over the years?" "I can't answer that question, because meaning is irrelevant." "You've purified this dragon of the elemental power its body has synthesized. That will make seven this month. But... who cares? Huntresses don't care. The Society doesn't care. The Shadow Association doesn't care." "This dragon cares. These dragons care. I care." My mentor laughed. She said that if she'd known all this earlier, she never would've taken me down this path. "Getting married and having kids isn't good enough?" She said: "Look at your apprentice. Her daughter's already grown up, and now she's playing tricks on the huntress Alliance." I laughed. Yes. All was well. At this time, a familiar hopelessness and resentment rose up. I stood up and went east. Recently, this kind of restlessness has been coming over me more frequently. This is the eighth one.
  • Voiceover
  • Letter
    • 1: Dear Captain, Thank you very much for accepting someone like me in your team. As a witch who chants requiems, I'm often asked what the point of this is. The struggle between dragons and humankind has endured for centuries, and the resentment on both sides continues to swell. It seems as if the killing will only cease when one side is eliminated. But all life is eventually lost, and I don't want my soul to be filled with resentment. Respectfully, Michelangelo
    • 2: Dear Captain, I've felt very much at ease during the time we've spent together recently. Your battle tactics are valiant and courageous, yet you're not some heartless, tyrannical warrior. As my elemental power grows purer, I've felt moments of peace in the midst of my constant chanting, but simultaneously, my mind has been increasingly beset by confusion. Can this endless war really end the hatred between dragons and humanity? Perhaps what's being eliminated is not only every single living creature... It's as if the land itself is heaving a sigh. You know, I've been to too many places by myself before. Beautiful landscapes can be found all across this continent, and yet there are also many places that have been utterly scorched by flames, where only the sounds of pained wails and tearing to echo out from the gloom into the air. I don't mean to talk a big game about preventing war, but sometimes I wonder whether there can be a more satisfactory way to achieve peace. I'm sorry for making you read something so bleak. Respectfully, Michelangelo
  • Oath - none
  • Bond - Three Art Nobles: Raphael, Michelangelo, DaVinci