Idle Huntress Wiki
Mendel Showcase


  • Wisdom
  • Earth
  • Max Level: 200


  • Shady Shelter:
    • Lv.1 - Plant a fruit tree in the first vacant space on your side in order of lineup position, which inherits 60% of Mendel's starting attributes. Tree variety is randomized between cherry, apple, peach and orange, and can bear up to 3 fruits each. The trees don't attack, are immune to all debuffs, and increase your Final DMG Reduce and that of adjacent allies by 5%. <Vacant Position> When there aren't any units or dead huntresses in a given position on your side.
    • Lv.2 - Inherited attributes increase to 80% and Final DMG Reduce increases to 10%.
    • Lv.3 - Inherited attributes increase to 100% and Final DMG Reduce increases to 20%.
  • Wild Growth:
    • Lv.1 - Produce 1 fruit from each variety of fruit tree planted, or use an Active Skill if no trees have been planted. When huntresses next to the trees perform an action (other than supplementary actions), they will eat the fruit and gain its corresponding buff. <Supplementary Actions> Pursue and attack, re-using a skill within the same turn, or when a skill is triggered by others.
      • Cherry: Increases ATK by 150% of tree's ATK.
      • Apple: Recover 600% of tree's ATK as HP.
      • Peach: Increases Dodge by 100%.
      • Orange: Increases Crit DMG by 100%.
    • Lv.2 - Increase the number of fruits produced by each tree by 2.
    • Lv.3 - Increase the number of fruits produced by each tree by 3.
  • Indefatigable:
    • Lv.1 - At the start of each turn, gain a 50% chance to use another Active Skill.
    • Lv.2 - Chance to use the Active Skill increases to 75%.
    • Lv.3 - Chance to use the Active Skill increases to 100%.
  • Seed Power:
    • Lv.1 - In her study of agriculture, Mendel has nothing but devotion and reverence for seeds, increases her HP by 15% and DEF by 15%.
    • Lv.2 - HP increases to 20% and DEF increases to 20%.
    • Lv.3 - HP increases to 25% and DEF increases to 25%.
Generic Spot
  • Friendly Feedback:
    • Lv.1 - Final DMG Reduce +3%.
    • Lv.2 - ATK +20%.
    • Lv.3 - Toughness +5%.
    • Lv.4 - For each fruit planted by Mendel that an ally eats, Mendel gains a shield equal to 100% of her ATK.
    • Lv.5 - For each fruit planted by Mendel that an ally eats, Mendel gains a shield equal to 200% of her ATK.
    • Lv.6 - For each fruit planted by Mendel that an ally eats, Mendel gains a shield equal to 300% of her ATK.


  • Staff
  • Robes
  • Necklace
  • Boots (wisdom)


  • Weapon - <Friendly Feedback> skill - Description.


"The scriptures say that food is the God of the people. Presumably people in the past knew well the importance of food. See? What an incisive point."


Mendel Slim
Age 25
Blood Type
  • Belonging - Exquisite Turban
  • Story
    • 1: <words>
    • 2: <words>
  • Voiceover
  • Letter
    • 1: <words>
    • 2: <words>
  • Oath - none
  • Bond - Inherit & Evolve: Darwin, Mendel