Idle Huntress Wiki
Marco Polo Showcase


  • Strength
  • Water
  • Max Level: 140


  • Whirlpool:
    • Lv.1 - Marco Polo launches 3 attacks on a single enemy, each one dealing 40% of her ATK in Physical DMG and with a 15% chance to inflict 1 stack of Frost Mark on the enemy. <Frost Mark> When the same target has 3 stacks of Frost Mark, they will be frozen. Frozen targets are unable to take any action or trigger some of their Passive Skills for 2 turns.
    • Lv.2 - Physical DMG increases to 50% and each attack has a 30% chance to inflict 1 stack of Frost Mark on the enemy.
    • Lv.3 - Physical DMG increases to 60% and each attack has a 45% chance to inflict 1 stack of Frost Mark on the enemy.
  • Throw Potion:
    • Lv.1 - Marco Polo launches 3 attacks on 3 random enemies, each one dealing 30% of her ATK in Physical DMG and with a 10% chance to inflict 1 stack of Frost Mark on the enemy. <Frost Mark> When the same target has 3 stacks of Frost Mark, they will be frozen. Frozen targets are unable to take any action or trigger some of their Passive Skills for 2 turns.
    • Lv.2 - Physical DMG increases to 40% and each attack has a 20% chance to inflict 1 stack of Frost Mark on the enemy.
    • Lv.3 - Physical DMG increases to 50% and each attack has a 30% chance to inflict 1 stack of Frost Mark on the enemy.
  • Defensive Stance:
    • Lv.1 - After each action Marco Polo completes, her DEF increases by 15%. Goes into effect this turn.
    • Lv.2 - Conditions do not change. DEF increases to 30%.
Generic Spot


  • Hammer/Axe
  • Armor
  • Bracers
  • Boots (strength)


  • Huntress cannot equip with exclusive gear


"I never apologize, because I never do anything wrong."


Marco Polo Slim
Age 19
Blood Type
  • Belonging - N/A (Heart)
  • Story
    • 1: <words>
    • 2: <words>
  • Voiceover
  • Letter - N/A
  • Oath - N/A
  • Bond - N/A