Idle Huntress Wiki
La Hire Showcase


  • Strength
  • Earth
  • Max Level: 140


  • Sweep:
    • Lv.1 - Empowered by alcohol, La Hire waves her axe and deals 66% of her ATK in Physical DMG to enemies in the front row with a 60% chance to add 1 stack of Hate Mark to the target. <Hate Mark> Each stack of Hate Mark lowers the target's Tenacity by 5% for 2 turns. Each target can bear up to 5 stacks of Hate Mark.
    • Lv.2 - Physical DMG increases to 80% of ATK and chance to add 1 stack of Hate Mark increases to 80%.
    • Lv.3 - Physical DMG increases to 100% of ATK and chance to add 1 stack of Hate Mark increases to 100%.
  • Show of Strength:
    • Lv.1 - La Hire deals 94% of her ATK in Physical DMG to enemies in the front and middle rows with a 30% chance to add 1 stack of Hate Mark to targets struck. <Hate Mark> Each stack of Hate Mark lowers the target's Tenacity by 5% for 2 turns. Each target can bear up to 5 stacks of Hate Mark.
    • Lv.2 - Physical DMG increases to 112% of ATK and chance to add 1 stack of Hate Mark increases to 40%.
    • Lv.3 - Physical DMG increases to 140% of ATK and chance to add 1 stack of Hate Mark increases to 50%.
  • Sober Up:
    • Lv.1 - La Hire is even more powerful when she is sober. When her HP is lower than 50%, her ATK increases by 15%.
    • Lv.2 - Conditions do not change. ATK increases to 30%.
Generic Spot


  • Hammer/Axe
  • Armor
  • Bracers
  • Boots (strength)


  • Huntress cannot equip with exclusive gear


"I can still drink! Fill it up."


La Hire Slim
Age 25
Blood Type
  • Belonging - N/A (Heart)
  • Story
    • 1: <words>
    • 2: <words>
  • Voiceover
  • Letter - N/A
  • Oath - N/A
  • Bond - N/A