Idle Huntress Wiki
Ares Showcase

Debut: Game Launch (February 2022)


  • Strength
  • Earth
  • Max Level: 200


  • Holy Shield Blessing:
    • Lv.1 - The power of the Holy Shield's blessing decreases all damage Ares takes by 20% for 2 turns.
    • Lv.2 - Decreases all damage taken by 35%, and grants immunity to all debuffs for 2 turns. Immunity cannot be dispelled.
    • Lv.3 - Decreases all damage taken by 50%, grants immunity to all debuffs for 2 turns, and all debuffs are dispelled from the caster during casting. Immunity cannot be dispelled.
  • White Holy Shield:
    • Lv.1 - Ares awakens her Holy Shield's light power, granting all teammates a shield equal to 150% of Ares's ATK for 2 turns.
    • Lv.2 - Applies a shield equal to 200% of ATK.
    • Lv.3 - Applies a shield equal to 250% of ATK.
  • Holy Shield Aegis:
    • Lv.1 - At the start of each turn, Ares protects the teammate with the highest ATK with the strength of her Holy Shield, sharing 20% of the damage they take. This effect cannot be dispelled.
    • Lv.2 - Damage shared increases to 25%.
    • Lv.3 - Damage shared increases to 30%.
  • Unfallen Fortress:
    • Lv.1 - Ares and her Holy Shield become one flawless being. There is no fortress more impenetrable. Increases her DEF by 15% and her Tenacity by 3%.
    • Lv.2 - DEF increases to 20% and Tenacity increases to 4%.
    • Lv.3 - DEF increases to 25% and Tenacity increases to 5%.
Ares Spot
  • Fearless Charge:
    • Lv.1 - DEF +15%.
    • Lv.2 - Toughness +4%.
    • Lv.3 - Final DMG Reduce +5%.
    • Lv.4 - At the start of the battle, get a shield that defenses 15% of own HP in damage.
    • Lv.5 - At the start of the battle, get a shield that defenses 30% of own HP in damage.
    • Lv.6 - At the start of the battle, get a shield that defenses 50% of own HP in damage.


  • Hammer/Axe
  • Armor
  • Bracers
  • Boots (strength)


  • Shield of Light - <Fearless Charge> skill - The heirloom shield of the Ares family, which produces the most faithful knight in the kingdom, represents the unbreakable will.


"Protection is a knight's duty and mission."


Ares Slim
Age 20
Blood Type
  • Belonging - Medal of Honor
  • Story
    • 1: <words>
    • 2: <words>
  • Voiceover
  • Letter
    • 1: <words>
    • 2: <words>
  • Oath - none
  • Bond - none